The Drymifolia Collective
Seedling of:
Seed from Marta.
All updates posted about this tree:
Planting Report2024-04-24 16:59:10Acclimating: The tree was just coming out of the greenhouse. I allowed the tree to harden off in my shady/dappled backyard for 2 weeks. Then I moved the tree to my planting site and let it acclimate for another 2 weeks. Planting: I planted my tree on 4/3/2024. Before planting I dumped about 1lb of uncomposted food waste into the hole. I plan to top dress with compost in the future. Upon planting, the tree was 15 inches tall from soil to the top. I watered the tree in, and have watered deeply once a week in addition to light rain. Over the month I've added comfrey, yarrow, and nasturium around the base of the tree. I plan to add mulch, and continue adding nutrient accumulators and pollinator friendly plants to the areas around the tree. Site selection: I chose a corner of an existing flower bed. The soil is loose and rich with worm activity galore. My site is on the southwest side of my home, and it receives about 8-12 hours of direct sun daily, March-November. My tree is also located about 10 ft away from the southwest wall of my home, which also receives intense sunlight for the bulk of the day. It is my hope that the wall will act as a radiant heat source throughout the year.
Frost update2023-12-08 18:21:56Both the seedling and its Jade graft show slight to moderate leaf damage from two nights of 28°F.
All photos of this tree: