(January 22, 2025) Freeze update -- Definitely some damage to the leaves and stems from the two ~26°F nights recently.
(January 17, 2025) Pre-freeze update -- The Jade graft and rootstock branch both have shown only minor cosmetic freckling from the mild freezes earlier this winter.
(photo taken September 7, 2024)
(photo taken September 7, 2024)
(September 7, 2024) Update -- This tree has grown very nicely this year. The frost damage near the graft union appears to be healing, albeit slowly.
(June 29, 2024) Update -- Some kind of sap sucker has been going after the Jade graft, I think, based on the damage, but it seems to be outgrowing it recently. Rootstock branch looks good, too.
(April 20, 2024) Update -- Plenty of new buds swelling both above and below the graft.
(photo taken March 27, 2024)
(January 30, 2024) Update -- The only protection this tree got was to have wood chip mulch mounded up above the graft. I pulled those back this week and was happy to see that it looks very much alive above the graft, where it was covered with mulch.
(January 13, 2024) Likely killed -- It's far too early to be sure, but this looks pretty much dead above the soil line. And there are more very cold temperatures to come.
(photo taken December 28, 2023)
(October 26, 2023) Report -- The Jade graft is still growing vigorously. The small rootstock branch also has a tender flush, though less vigorous.