The Drymifolia Collective
"Walter Hole"
First grafted:
Obtained from UC South Coast Research Grove.
Recent updates posted about this tree:
Fruit set2024-05-27 06:59:01Dozens of fruit appear to have set. Here are a couple of the furthest along.
Update2024-04-24 19:52:47No end of the flowering in sight. It's interesting that it looks almost like 100% of the terminal buds became determinate inflorescences, meaning no vegetative buds on the end anymore! After very close inspection, the apical inflorescence has a tiny, inactive vegetative bud at the center. Still no sign of a vegetative flush starting anywhere on the graft.
Still flowering 2024-04-20 22:21:16Profusely!
First flower2024-03-14 20:09:43Today was the first flower to open on any variety in the greenhouse, and Walter Hole won the race.
Flowering update2024-03-04 02:17:21Forgot to post this photo two days ago when I took it. Flowers still expanding but not opening yet.
All photos of this tree: